Hello Affiliate Websites!
Use caution on how often you update your Google sitemap files. It appears that Google will randomly check your website to see if it's "PURE SPAM". If you get labeled pure spam, your website will be removed, yes removed from Google.REMOVED FROM GOOGLE: That means every effort that you spent over the last few years on getting your website listed in Google is now worth nothing! That's right nothing! ZERO!
MONEY GETTING IN: If you are like us; we spend a ton of cash on advertising with Google, Amazon, Yahoo, etc... I'm talking over 50,000 dollars in advertising! All that work and money is worth zero! Man, it's a shame that Google has such a pull on who can make it on the internet!
COMPARISON SHOPPING: Yes, our sites might be boring to some, but our websites offer an alternative to eBay, Bizrate and Amazon. We used an unique search tool that would search bizrate, eBay and Amazon at the same time. We also used USiFF eBay Quicker Finder that allowed similar items related to the search term to pop up. This allowed a quick way to find products that you want.
EXAMPLE: If you searched Amazon and eBay side by side for the term FROZEN; here are your results: http://www.bidnbuyit.com/buy/Frozen/
Then our quick finder would go to work, terms that would pop up: frozen disney frozen soundtrack frozen dvd frozen elsa frozen poster frozen cd frozen cosplay frozen ornament frozen sven frozen olaf
Yes, I guess you could open two different windows on your computer to see what you would get from eBay and then Amazon. But, why do that when you can do it on one webpage?
BOTTOM LINE: Affiliate website owners, really think about your business plan. Don't do what we did; we compared products from eBay, Amazon and Bizrate at the same time, then our shopping comparison websites we listed as pure spam in Google's mind. Yet, thefind.com, bizrate.com and other million dollar websites are not listed as pure spam. Hmmm???
I'm guessing if you have at least a million dollar budget; then in the eyes of Google you should be OK and not listed as PURE SPAM!